Sunday, March 21, 2010

Book At Bedtime

Richard Parker - strange name for a tiger.

Triumph Tiger T110

The Tyger

Tasmanian Tiger

Would like to think there are still some out there.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Book At Bedtime

"When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this infallible sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him"
J. Swift

Polly Jean

With John Peel.

Surf N' Wheels

Surfing and motorcycles. The true path.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Book At Bedtime

The eponymous Captain Singleton. Not as well known as
Treasure Island.

Psycho Killer

"Réalisant mon espoir. Je me lance ver la gloire..... OK"

John Alfred Prestwich

The 'King of Motors'. As used in Brough Superiors.


I'm practising. Might take a while to get as good as this.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Book At Bedtime

A weighty tome, but worth the effort.


As ridden by T.E. Lawrence.

Vortex Transfer Vehicle

Some travelling surfers with a Vdub splitty make friends with a local.

Funk On Friday

"Do you promise to funk, the whole funk, nothing but the funk?"

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Book At Bedtime

The Art Of The Motorcycle. Book to accompany the Guggenheim exibition.

Dave & Ansell Collins

"I'm backed by the shack of a soul boss, most turnin',
stormin', sound of soul"
UK No1 in May 1971. First record I ever bought.

Vortex Transfer Vehicle


The Engineer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Book At Bedtime

The Rum Diary. Soon to be a film too. Groovy sidecar.

Primitive Radio Gods

"I've been downhearted baby, ever since the day we met."
B.B. King

Guinness Marmite

Soul food.

Surfing Dolphins

Always good to see them showing how it should be done.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Book At Bedtime

The Whole Earth Pigalogue. Only $1 when it came out in 1975. Have seen them for sale now for over $200. If someone would like to lend me a copy I'd be very grateful.

Story Of The Blues

The mighty Wah! John Peel's single of the year 1982.

Romulus, My Father

Harrowing film. Not sure what make the motorcycle is.

Girl On A Motorcycle

From the Davida ad. Would like to know more about this Moto Guzzi.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Book At Bedtime

The dramatic decline of the British motorcycle industry.
Read it and weep.

Son House

Father of the Delta Blues. Taught Muddy Waters how to play guitar.


Wallace rides a Triumph.

Endless Summer

This was the first, and possibly still the best surfing film. Watched it on TV in the UK one rainy winter arvo when I was a nipper. For me this was what started it all off.

Mad As A March Hare

Pugilistic hares. First day of Autumn here in Aus, first day of Spring
in the UK.